High CPC Keywords Explorer Tool


High CPC Keywords Explorer Tool To Bring Profitable Keywords

High CPC keywords bring substantial revenue for you as a publisher, blogger, or YouTube channel owner. But how to find and use them for your good? Well, you can easily find them using our High CPC Keywords Explorer tool or try other methods given in this post. 

It’s a description page for our high CPC keywords generator, but you can learn a lot more than that. You’ll get to know what high CPC keywords are and how to use them effectively. We’ll also let you know the reasons why you should use our high CPC extraction tool. 

High CPC Keywords Explorer: Extraction Tool for High CPC Keywords

We have set up this tool based on Google data. And it means that the results are almost 99% accurate. Our team is always on a hunt to get the highest-paying keywords. And that means we also hand-pick high CPC keywords and enlist them here. 

But before you use our tool, let’s get to know some basics first. 

What Are High CPC Keywords

High CPC keywords are those for which advertisers on platforms such as Google AdWords pay more than others. And you as a blogger make more money with those keywords than others.

CPC stands for Cost Per Click. It’s the price you pay for every click on your PPC (pay-per-click) marketing campaign if you are an advertiser. And if you’re a publisher, CPC becomes the revenue per ad click. 

The higher the CPC an advertiser pays, the higher your revenue as a blogger or website publisher. And it’s not just the website; you make more money if you create a YouTube video based on high CPC keywords.

How to Find High CPC Keywords With Our High CPC Keywords Explorer

If you’re on this page, scroll it up. You’ll find plenty of high-paying keywords with substantial CPC. We continuously update the high CPC keywords list according to the most recent data on Google. What you need is to ‘search’ the table and find them related to your niche. 

Let us break down the process for you:

  • Go to the High CPC Keywords Explorer tool
  • Search for your seed keyword in the table
  • And find them that are relevant to your niche

And that’s just it! If you’re unable to find keywords related to your niche, it’s because of two reasons.

  • Your niche may not have substantial CPC keywords
  • Or the list isn’t updated

In that case, you may want to come back to our tool after a couple of days. But because we update our list daily, it’s usually the first case. Note that we always enlist the most expensive keywords and not just the random paying keywords. 

How to Search High CPC Keywords For Your Blog or YouTube

80% of the ad revenue comes from 30% of your keywords as an AdSense user. It means there are 20 out of 100 keywords that make most of your income. And the credit goes to high-paying AdSense keywords. 

The question is; how to find high CPC keywords. You either use Google Keyword Planner or paid tools like SEMRush or Ahrefs for that. And the methods to find high-paying keywords on these tools are almost the same. So let’s walk you through finding. 

But if you’re just starting out, you may want to check out our free High CPC Keywords Explorer. 

How to Use High CPC Keywords in Blog or Website

Revenue for the advertisers is determined by how much they’re paying for clicks and the quality of traffic. While income for you as a blogger is determined by how much advertisers from an ad network pay you. It depends on the traffic quality without a doubt. 

In this video on his YouTube channel, Hassan has talked about targeting high CPC keywords to earn more with AdSense.

So you may want to create content around top CPC keywords so that you earn more. That’s why you are here, reading this post. And that’s why let’s get to know how you can find profitable keywords using a few online tools.

Why Use Our High CPC Keywords Explorer Tool

No other High CPC keywords extraction tool on the internet provides more details than our tool. Don’t believe us? Search the web for yourself. And have a look at the top benefits of using the High CPC Keywords Explorer tool.

Get High Paying Keywords for Free

The first benefit of using our tools is that all of them are free forever. The maximum you’re required is to create an H-Supertools account, which is also free. So if you don’t want to steal your competitor’s high-paying keywords, our High CPC Keywords Explorer is for you. 

Discover the CPC of the Most Expensive Keywords

With our high CPC extraction tool, you don’t get only the keywords but the data as well. And it includes cost per click for the advertisers. And it may be the approximate revenue per click for you as a publisher or content creator. 

For example, the CPC of ’email marketing platforms’ is $77.82, according to our tool. If you create content around this keyword, you’ll get almost $77.82 per click. The higher the CPC, the more revenue you’ll get. But then there’s more competition too. 

Get to Know the Search Volume for These Keywords

It’s not just the CPC; you also get to know the approximate monthly search volume for your keywords. For example, the search volume of ’email marketing platforms’ is 5400 according to our tool. It means the keyword is searched roughly 5400 times in a month. 

Based on search volume, you can prioritize creating content around your high CPC keywords. The more volume, the better. It depends on a lot of other factors, including the cost of acquiring new customers. 

Get Always Updated for Profitable Keywords 

The High CPC Keywords Explorer tool is always updated. And because we believe in transparency, we also reveal the last updated date for a particular keyword. The data for ’email marketing platforms’ was last updated tomorrow when writing this page. 

It’s awesome that you get to see only the updated data. With the High CPC Keywords Explorer tool, you’re not missing out on anything. The keywords are profitable by the time you’re viewing them on our tool. Isn’t it satisfying? 

Other Free H-Supertools for Digital Marketing

Our founder Hassan Aboul Hassan has a mission to offer free digital marketing tools to the world. With that said, we are always on a hunt to add more tools to our disposal. With H-Supertools, you can do keyword research for blogs or YouTube for free. 

And you can do a lot of other things like validating emails and more for free. If you love our High CPC Keywords Explorer tool, you must love others as well. Have a look at them right now. 

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